Sunday, October 3, 2010


"I'm going away for a while, but I'll be back don't try and follow me..."

So I was feeling rather depressed last night. Or rather, I was feeling my depression more than usual.
Either way, I decided to console myself by being dramatic and looking at sad pictures on Ffffound!
After a while, I found this:

Naturally, one immediately thinks of dying (or maybe that's just me.).
But then I stared at it for a while, and I thought, and I decided that it could also be taken literally. and the more I though about it, the more the idea appealed to me.
To simply take off. Leave and not come back. To just go.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, MJ!

Yesterday was Michael Jackson's birthday. I spent it washing a car, eating ice cream, watching a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles special, and writing a list of 25 things about me for a facebook thing. I haven't posted it yet, mostly because I despise talking about myself.

Somewhat ironic for a blogger, oui?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am a bad, bad person.

So. Obviously I've lost BEDA. And I don't even have a good excuse! It's not as though I could cite white-water rafting or writing an epic novel as the reason for my disappearance.
No. I've been reading Twilight fanfiction and playing Robot Unicorn Attack.

Now, the fanfiction was good. Arguably better than the actual book, although I know some would beg to differ. Honestly, I just enjoy justifying the fact that I once loved the book by reading fanfiction in which the characters have actual, three-dimensional personalities, rather than a list of traits. It helps me to convince myself that in the book, they had personalitites, too. Which, with my twisted logic, slightly justifies my past love.

And Robot Unicorn Attack.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Libero! Libero Libero Liberoooo!

That's from Bloomability, by Sharon Creech. Oh, how I love that book.

You know what's...odd? Time.
It has a way of sneaking up on you and confusing you.
For instance....the whole Marky debacle seems like it was years ago.
But there are days that we spent together long before that that seem like they were only weeks ago.
And christmas. Christmas hardly seems as though it were 8 months ago.
But I can't even remember New Year's Eve.
No comprendo on my part.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Free rice!

My parents were on the Nanny.

My great uncle was the head of design on that show, and he used my parents wedding picture for one of the props.
My mom told me about that a long, long time ago, but I forgot...until I turned the TV on and there they were, in Whoopi Goldberg's lap XD

Friday, August 6, 2010


Blog Every Day in August.
I've started a bit late, having just heard about it (through the nedfighters ning; nerdfighters ftw!).
We'll see how it goes.

So I've decided to start this thing.
I heard about from Alex Day/nerimon, on youtube. According to science, it takes 21 days to break a habit. That's the whole idea behind this thing, which I will actually start to

Monday, August 2, 2010

Smell the newness...

Ooh, look. A blog, all to myself.

I’m really not sure what I’m going to do with such a thing. I could be a book blogger, but I really do suck hard at summarizing books. I always manage to make them sound even stupider than the description on the back cover. And I always feel like such a pretentious ass, crtitising books, as though I could do any better.